
Latest Trends in Software Testing: AI, Shift-Left Testing, Big Data Testing

  In recent years, there have been significant advancements in the field of software testing. The emergence of cutting-edge technologies has transformed traditional testing methods, making them more efficient and effective. As a result, software testing courses must be updated to keep pace with the evolving demands of the industry. Here are some of the latest trends in software testing that a software testing course online should cover.   AI-powered testing   As automation continues to evolve, AI is taking over the repetitive and time-consuming aspects of software testing, allowing testers to focus on more complex and critical tasks. This shift not only reduces the time spent on routine tasks but also improves accuracy and minimizes human error. AI algorithms are capable of analyzing vast amounts of data far more quickly than humans could, enabling testers to identify potential issues early in the development process.   Shift-left testing   The 'shift left' test

Why QA Training is Crucial for Modern Businesses

Are buggy, crash-prone apps sabotaging your business? Studies reveal a staggering 92% of users abandon apps due to errors and poor performance. You can dramatically improve your product quality and customer satisfaction by implementing robust software testing practices. Our quality assurance courses online can equip your team with the skills they need to identify and eliminate software defects while ensuring a seamless user experience.   At Hitek Computer School, we offer a range of software QA and testing training courses that tackle everything one must know to be an effective and productive quality assurance specialist. Our CF109 Quality Assurance and Software Testing program is a comprehensive and extensive course that covers a wide range of topics, including:   ·       The best techniques to find modern software errors ·       Using test management software ·       Writing professional bug reports ·       Performing different levels and types of testing   Read on

How QA Analyst Training Can Transform Your Career: Placement Insights

  If you want a game-changing move for your IT career, a software automation testing course might be for you. It’s one of the training programs we offer at Hitek Computer School to improve your employment prospects in the tech industry. How? Read on as we discuss placement insights and how our QA analyst training can take your career to new heights.   Meet the demand for software testing and QA specialists.   Quality assurance and testing are vital in software development. Companies increasingly seek skilled software testers to navigate complex systems and deliver high-quality products. To get hired, you need to demonstrate your expertise in testing and stay current with the latest automation tools. Our courses can help you achieve that.   Master the basics of software automation testing.   Hitek Computer School offers a software automation testing course ( CF103 ) that covers popular automation tools like UFT, Selenium WebDriver, REST API, SoapUI, and WebLOAD. Our cur

The Importance of QA in Early-Stage Startups

For many early-stage software startup companies, success hinges on getting a minimum viable product to market quickly and building a decent customer base. This is only possible with a solid quality assurance system in place to ensure that the software product is stable and bug-free. While QA can be outsourced, often, the more cost-effective and long-term strategy for startups is to invest in QA training in Toronto for their current employees.   Do you have an early-stage startup specializing in software development? We offer a comprehensive and extensive quality assurance and testing training course to teach you and your team everything about becoming a software tester. In this blog, we will share the importance of QA for your business and how it increases the chances of successful projects.   A must for every software development project.   The fast-paced startup landscape is highly competitive, forcing new software companies into a race that compels them to introduce the

Exploring the Connection Between DevOps and Quality Assurance

  Because today's market is more competitive than ever, organizations are under pressure to deliver products and services at a rapid pace in order to meet customer demands. Because of this, many teams are opting to implement DevOps practices in their software development process. But how does this affect the role of quality assurance?   If you are planning to enroll in quality assurance courses online, read on to learn about how DevOps and quality assurance are connected.   What is DevOps?   Before we dive into the impact on quality assurance, let's define DevOps. DevOps is a software engineering practice that combines development and operations teams to increase collaboration and communication in order to deliver high-quality software at a faster pace.   How does DevOps affect quality assurance?   The traditional role of quality assurance is to ensure that software meets predetermined requirements and specifications. With the implementation of DevOps, this

Breaking Barriers: Overcoming Age Bias in the Software Testing Industry

  Job ads often ask for "recent college graduates" or "young professionals," and even when industries hire older employees, there is a tendency to only keep them in non-entry level jobs, or worse, they constantly have to prove how they are "still" capable.   This problem is particularly noticeable in software development and testing, where it is wrongly believed that only younger professionals can manage complex programming and testing tasks.   If you are part of the older generation and interested in software testing training but are a bit hesitant because of your age, then here's what you should do.   Let your work speak for itself.   The best way to overcome age bias is by letting your work speak for itself. Focus on performing your tasks to the best of your ability, regardless of any preconceived notions about age. High-quality output can break through stereotypes and it certainly will prove to everyone that age is just a number, a

Charting Your Career: The Value of Internships in Software Testing Education

  Are you an IT specialist looking for a job? You likely know how challenging it is to find the right software development company where you can flourish. You also know how difficult it often is to prove your credentials and show that you are the best person to hire. Our  QA testing course  is designed to help you carve the path to employment by equipping you with the skills and knowledge employers seek. Upon completion, you'll earn a recognized credential that demonstrates your capabilities and helps employers confidently assess your qualifications.     Why study atHitek School?   We are known for our comprehensive QA testing courses designed for both experienced and budding software testers. Our training program encompasses every aspect of automated and manual testing to equip students with the essential skills and expertise in test automation and management.   But that is not the only value we give to our students. Our QA testing course goes beyond just theory to i